Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Indian Answer to Search for Excellence*

Excellence is not a destination rather a continuous endeavour. Yet, one must have some pointers (if you wish -quality objectives) for guidance. In Indian Mythology there is a concept in which the God / gods, take various Avatars (? Role models). And, each of the avatars is supposed to have certain set of qualities. These are referred to a Kala in Indian Mythology and the number of manifested kala's among avatar's are different. There are divergent views about the total number kala’s possible some say it is 64 (all unique Kala of all Avatars). However, it’s worth noting that the Krishna Avatar of God, is supposed have been in possession of the maximum number of Qualities i.e. 16-Kala and hence, he is often referred to as Purna Avatar.

In this context my submission is, if a certain set of qualities are good or worthy enough for the supreme divinity status (i.e. Purusottama), then the same set of qualities should be sufficient for most of the mortal human beings (i.e. purus ). The current article is restricted to identification of that set of 16 qualities. The following is a list of 16-Kalas or qualities as have been identified with Lord Krishna. Followed by anather set of 16-Kalas according to a different view which focuses on states of existence. The idea is to provide at one place the complete list with translation for easy comprehension.
1) śrīḥ ----------------------------- Opulence
2) bhūḥ ------------------- Land, Proporty
3) kīrtiḥ -------------------------------- Fame
4) ilā ------------------------ Communicator
5) lilā ------------------- Pleasure, pastime
6) kāntiḥ ---------------- Radiance, Beauty
7) vidyā ----------------------- Kknowledge
8) Vimalā ---------------------Void of flaws
9) Utkarṣiṇī --------------------- Motivator
10) Jñānā ---------------------------Wisdom
11) Kriyā -----------------------------Action
12) Yogā ----------------------- Conjucator
13) Prahvī --------------------------Humility
14) Satyā -------------------------------Truth
15) Iśānā --------------------------------Lord
16) Anugrahā -----------Bestower of boon
1) Anna Maya
2) Pranamaya
 3) Mano Maya
 4) Vigyanamaya
 5) Anandamaya
6) Atishayini
 7) Viparinabhini
 8) Sankramini
 9) Prabhavi
10) Kunthini
11) Vikasini
 12) Maryadini
 13) Sanhaladini
14) Ahladini
 15) Paripurna
 16) Swarupavasthitha

But, before concluding I must draw the attention of the readers to two issues (these are my interpretation hence could be biased opinion)  –
  • First, one must bear in mind that each set of qualities or Kala’s of various Avatars have their own merits and demerits as well!! To appreciate the last point further and its rationale one must understand the concept of Karma. However, at the moment it would be sufficient to say that, no set of kala is necessarily better than others.
  • And, the term used is Kala not Guna i.e. these are supposed to be acquired or acquirable skills or abilities that render quality; rather than being part of one’s nature or traits (archetypes?). A corollary hypothesis is anyone worshiping any Avatar must pay attention to the Kala's rather than engrossing only with the rituals.
* Other potential titles for this thought could have been “Some Ultimate Qualities” or “The Hindu View of Quality” A lighter note about the choice of the title – the author would wish that someday people may accept that Indians all along had a better answer to the question “what is to excellence”. Or what makes one Excellent!!!