Friday, April 02, 2010

Be thy own Master

There are teachings which tell us that -
All human beings are masters of their own destinies.

In simple words it means, realisation as well as non-realisation of our dreams, desires and hopes, are within our control. All those theories seem to have some common themes. Like -

Follow your dreams
Believe yourself
Upgrade your Skills
Be optimist
.... etc

Based on my own limited experience i can testify that, once we internalise this view and act acording to it, there after the story of one's life can at best be described by words like - magic, Divine act etc.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Be bold and ....

In recent times, an advertisement of a soft drinks brand went something like this - "darr aata hai apni marjii se - par jata hai aapki marjii se !!". The meaning of the statement being "by instinct at times we get afraid, but we ourselves only can eradicate it by our actions". Long back in a famous Hindi movie, a negative character, once proclaimed "Jo darrgaya wo margaya !!" or something to this effect (ha ha ha !!!). The meaning in this case is "one who is afraid is as good as dead and gone". The exact words used by me to translet don't make much difference, rather it is the intent, hope you have got it.

The point is simple, fear is one of the most common human emotions, it is also natural to be afraid but what is important is, to know that it can be managed. However, if it is not managed by us than fear can have adverse effect on our life and achievement's. To this line of discussion let me add one more punch line.

"Be bold and they will say you are beautiful"

May be, i shall do the explanation sometime later. But as a parting note let me say - more often than not as a rule - beauty is attracted to the bold. However, A word of caution (? condition apply/disclaimer) - Any young fellow out there who may take my stray thoughts to be some kind of gospel, do take note), - being bold is not same as carelessness risk taking or foolhardiness.

Live this moment well !!!

ONCE, i had heard some one say -
"Thirty seconds well lived is a life time"

And, it is worth trading against, everything else in this world. A life well lived is the only thing worth pursuing, for anyway everything in this world is temporal. I think the purpose of all religions, trainings, education and teachings - is to prepare us, to live this single life of ours well.

But, the problem is no one can teach anyone else the tricks of living a happy life. One must learn and realise it oneself. It is just like, no one tells us when one is in love - people just know it themselves.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Be Happy !!! all is well - 1

Every body says I am OK but R we !! Often we are distracted or disturbed when we find a compatriot being appreciated or liked. More so, when the target audience is common. In such case just remind yourself (it is, like an "all is well" statement) -

"If someone is good then it doesn't mean that i am bad or worse". Hence, be comfortable with yourself.

Off course, I don't mean that you have no scope for improvement. On the contrary just be happy. And indulge, rather engross yourself with activities (as per the following order) -

  1. what you are good at,
  2. what is necessary,
  3. what you can do
  4. and, what is desired

And soon you shall see, you are accomplishing the impossible. Needless to say appreciation will follow - it's like what you sow so shall you reap".

As a corollary may I add that - "Every body has something good and bad about themselves. Yet we have the choice - what we want to focus upon"

  1. the good in us
  2. the good in others
  3. the bad in us
  4. the bad in others

think over !!! but for your own sake always be happy